Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) is a very common genetic condition that affects the macula of the eye. The macula is located at the center of the retina.
Several studies show that over 40% of people in India. over the age of 60 are affected by ARMD. Studies were conducted across all areas in India not spodific to any region or city.
Poor eyesight as one ages is very often attribute to needing a change in corrective lenses, but it is justes likely to be due to ARMD.
The macula provides us with central vision and allows us to see details, like when we recognize a face, read a book, or watch television. When the macula becomes damaged, extreme and dramatic vision loss can occur.
The above diagram shows how drusen deposits on the macula lead to vision loss. (Dry ARMD)
There are two types of ARMD, known as Wet ARMD and Dry ARMD
Wet ARMD is caused by the growth of abnormal blood vessels across the macula. VEGF injections or laser surgery have a 50% success rate in improving vision in cases of Wet ARMD.
90% of all ARMD cases are Dry ARMD. Drusen
formation in the eye causes the macula to stop
functioning ideally and leads to blank areas in your
central vision. There is no known cure for Dry ARMD
The only way to prevent Dry ARMD is early detection
and high dosages of vitamin supplements before any
vision loss is experienced.
In both types, early detection and prevention is critical
to protect your vision.
If either parent has ARMD, offspring risk of developing ARMD rises dramatically:
To do the test, close one eye at a time. (Wear your reading glasses if you need them). Stare at the black dot in the center and check if you see any distortions, missing areas or wavy lines. If you do, it is likely that you have ARMD.
However, the Amsler Grid can only detect ARMD after the early stages have already set in.
To do the test, close one eye at a time. (Wear your reading glasses if you need them). Stare at the black dot in the center and check if you see any distortions, missing areas or wavy lines. If you do, it is likely that you have ARMD.
However, the Amsler Grid can only detect ARMD after the early stages have already set in.
One way to detect ARMD is performing an Amsler Grid exam.
It is widely accepted by ophthalmologists around the world that taking a standard formulation consisting of a high dose of Zinc and Antioxidants, among other supplements (known as the AREDS vitamin formulation), may prevent ARMD in both forms, or at least delay the onset of vision loss. However vitamin therapy does not work for all patients. The reason for this is simple: not everyone has the same genetic make-up.
Recently published study results show :
Vision loss due to ARMD, once at an advanced stage, cannot easily be reversed. However, the correct vitamin supplement treatment can dramatically retard vision loss. Depending on your genetic profile, a specific course of vitamin supplements can be effective in showing down or halting the progress of the ARMD.
In some cases, patients who are already taking vitamin supplements without genetic profiling may actually be further accelerating the progress of ARMD.
GenePrint Health provides the only genetic test in India that allows you to establish your personal risk of contracting / developing ARMD with 90% certainty. Our genetic test allows us to identify your specific genetic makeup and select the correct vitamin supplement that will significantly reduce your risk of going blind from this disease.
The test requires just 5 minutes of your time and a tiny sample of your DNA, which is taken using a completely painless brush swab from the inner cheek surface in your mouth. Your samples are then sent to our state of the art, FDA approved laboratory in Michigan, USA for analysis and diagnosis.
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